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Blog. Spin Research

The Emergency Plan: Plan for the Unexpected

An Unexpected Leave
Nobody likes to think about it, but the possibility that you'll need to leave your business earlier than anticipated, due to health or other personal reasons, is a risk that can severely affect your company. Having the foresight to develop an emergency plan for that day is a valuable investment.

An Effective Emergency Plan
An effective emergency plan enables a smooth transition. By planning your exit well in advance, you can ensure fewer disruptions to operations and secure the continuity of your company

Severe Implications
The downfall of the company is the biggest risk a company faces after an unexpected leave of the DSH as a key person. Furthermore the unique structure and culture within a family business can also have severe implications for the family and third parties involved in such an event.

Helping You Identify Key Business Dependencies
Our high-grade independent consultants know the possible consequences and can guide you through the process of identifying key business dependencies that will map your personal, unique involvement in the company and daily business.

Quality Assessment
Our personal quality assessment will uncover all areas of importance and will also include specific descriptions of – and the links to – relevant emergency information. Having your emergency plan reviewed regularly will ensure that you are always ready for the unexpered. Ultimately, the emergency plan will make the DSH involvement transparent and transferable.

Years of Practice leading to Strenght and Continuity
Our expertise is based upon years of practice and experience in wealth transfer and succession within the the field of family business. Our unique product contributes to the strength and continuity of your company and thus also to continued employment for which family businesses, more often than not, feel a special responsibility.